Press Row Podcast
Press Row Podcast - NCAA Football Lamentations

The 91st edition of the Press Row Podcast brings the full team together to discuss the loss of the NCAA Football franchise now that it’s the time of year when it would be released. We discuss what it means to each individual, what it means to EA Sports, and what the potential future may be for any kind of college football game in the future. Also, the crew discusses the critical reception of UFC a month after release and what the implications are to the game and the market with its less-then-stellar Metacritic number.


Joining us this week:


Chris Sanner, Operation Sports


Bryan Wiedey, PastaPadre


T.J. Lauerman, ThatSportsGamer


Kat Bailey, USGamer


Samit Sarkar, Polygon


Owen Good, Polygon


And your host, Richard Grisham, GamesRadar (@richgrisham)


Send us your feedback! We love to hear from you and can’t wait to read your stuff on the air in a future episode. Do it one of these ways:


1)     Follow the show on Twitter at @PressRowPodcast  and send us some Tweets while you’re there


2)     Email the show at 


Also, the Press Row Podcast is now available on iTunes (, Stitcher Radio ( , and the Windows Store, so subscribe to it and rate it too!


Enjoy the show!


Run Time:  1:31


Direct download: Press_Row_Podcast_Episode_91.m4a
Category:sports video games -- posted at: 11:40am EDT