Press Row Podcast
Operation Sports - Press Row Podcast: PS4 Launch Night Hangout

On the evening of the PS4 launch on November 15th, several Press Row Podcast regulars and a couple of new friends got together for a special Press Row Hangout. We decided to put out the show in audio format for all of the standard show listeners. The crew describes getting their PS4 units, how the setup went well or horribly wrong, and initial thoughts on all of the sports games that came out with the system. It’s a rollicking episode full of all the day one surprises, delights, confusion, and disasters.

Joining us this week:
Bryan Wiedey, PastaPadre (@pastapadre)
Owen Good,Kotaku (@owengood)
TJ Lauerman,
Chris Jacobs, The Gaming Tailgate(@cdj80)
Jeremy Stein, GSN Gamers (@LosingMT)

Send us your feedback! We love to hear from you and can’t wait to read your stuff on the air in a future episode. Do it one of these ways:
    •    Follow the show on Twitter at @PressRowPodcast  and send us some Tweets while you’re there
    •    Email the show at 
    •    Respond to this post

Also, the Press Row Podcast is now available on iTunes (, Stitcher Radio ( , and the Windows Store, so subscribe to it and rate it too!
Lastly, be sure to check out our friends at Weekend Confirmed right here: If you’re not already a listener, give it a shot. We’re all big fans!

Enjoy the show!

Run Time: 2:00

Direct download: Press_Row_Podcast_Episode_57.m4a
Category:sports video games -- posted at: 7:02pm EDT