Press Row Podcast

The 143rd episode of the Press Row Podcast gets our panel back together for a fun summer conversation. The crew chat about what they’ve been playing, the joys of Rocket League, the jammed fall sports schedule, the EASHL beta, and a whole lot more. First-time guest Chase Becotte joins Bryan Wiedey, Owen Good, Samit Sarkar, and host Rich Grisham.


Joining us this week:

Owen Good, Polygon(@OwenGood)

Chase Becotte, Operation Sports (@ChaseBecotte)

Samit Sarkar, Polygon (@SamitSarkar)

Bryan Wiedey, PastaPadre and HitThePass (@PastaPadre)

And your host, Richard Grisham from Hit The Pass (@richgrisham)

Send us your feedback! We love to hear from you. Do it one of these ways:

1)      Follow the show on Twitter at @PressRowPodcast  and send us some Tweets while you’re there

2)      Email the show at 

Also, the Press Row Podcast is now available on iTunes (, Stitcher Radio ( , and the Windows Store, so subscribe to it and rate it too!

Lastly, check out our brand new compilation page on Audioboom at, where all of our shows are easy to access from one page.



Run time: 1:08

Direct download: Press_Row_Podcast_Episode_143.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:10am EDT

The 142nd episode of the Press Row Podcast is a two parter. Up first, producer Ryan Ferwerda joins host Rich Grisham to describe the process of building Rory McIlroy PGA Tour Golf from the ground up, including how courses are constructed, the approach to mechanics, prioritization of features, online play, and why EA Sports isn’t able to currently discuss the game’s future content roadmap. After that, Rich and Bryan Wiedey get together to talk about their initial impressions of PGA Tour golf, how it compares to The Golf Club, and what they feel EA needs to do to support the game moving forward.

Direct download: Press_Row_Podcast_Episode_142.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:39pm EDT

The 141st episode of the Press Row Podcast is a discussion between Owen Good, Samit Sarkar, and Rich Grisham all about the upcoming Rory McIlroy PGA Tour title. Does the limited number of courses and golfers – compared to previous versions – significantly hurt its chances at success? What is the approach that EA is taking with the game, now that it’s evidently not an annual release? Will PGA Tour evolve into a “golf as a service” model? How will it compare with The Golf Club? These and a number of other topics about PGA Tour are debated. Enjoy!

Joining us this week:

Owen Good, Polygon (@OwenGood)

Samit Sarkar, Polygon (@SamitSarkar)

And your host, Richard Grisham from Hit The Pass (@richgrisham)

Send us your feedback! We love to hear from you. Do it one of these ways:

1) Follow the show on Twitter at @PressRowPodcast  and send us some Tweets while you’re there

2) Email the show at  

Also, the Press Row Podcast is now available on iTunes (, Stitcher Radio ( , and the Windows Store, so subscribe to it and rate it too!

Lastly, check out our brand new compilation page on Audioboom at, where all of our shows are easy to access from one page.

Run time: 1:06

Direct download: Press_Row_Podcast_Episode_141.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:44pm EDT

The 140th episode of the Press Row Podcast features a breezy, free-wheeling discussion with regulars Kat Bailey, Bryan Wiedey, and Rich Grisham on a whole range of topics. The panel remembers with fondness when July meant NCAA Football, discusses how online leagues impacted how they continued to play games longer than they had before, looks ahead to the upcoming Rocket League title hitting PlayStation 4 (for free!) next week, wonders if arcade sports games could make a comeback, and wraps with Kat and Rich getting into a rather heated argument about FIFA's shooting mechanics on console versus the Vita. Lastly, Bryan and Rich talk about the positive reaction to their new Hit The Pass site and what it has meant to them.

Enjoy the show, and Happy Fourth of July!

Run time: 1:23

Direct download: Press_Row_Podcast_Episode_140.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30pm EDT