Press Row Podcast

After a week venturing into the history of baseball video games the Press Row Podcast returns to present day with more discussion on MLB The Show, the announcement of a Casey Powell Lacrosse sequel, the latest eSports developments for NBA 2K18 and FIFA 18, and the NPD results for January which includes an alarmingly low landing spot for EA Sports UFC 3.  

On the show this week:
Bryan Wiedey, Pastapadre/Sporting News/Hit the Pass (@pastapadre)
Rich Grisham, OOTP Developments/Hit The Pass (@richgrisham)

Direct download: Press_Row_Podcast_Episode_261.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:57am EDT

A new season of baseball is once again upon us and on this episode of the Press Row Podcast we look both forward to MLB The Show 18 and back through the history of baseball video games. First it's a discussion of this week's reveal of new features for The Show. Then each panelist counts down through their top five all-time features from baseball video games. The picks are varied and span over 30 years, represent different types of games, features that have proven influential to this day, and those that were simply most memorable.

On the show this week:
Bryan Wiedey, Pastapadre/Sporting News/Hit the Pass (@pastapadre)
Paul Sporer, Rotographs/ESPN (@sporer)
T.J. Lauerman, ThatSportsGamer (@ThatSportsGamer)
Kris Jardine, SnaggleJ (@SnaggleJ)
MillsGamingTV (@MillsGamingTV)

Referenced in this episode
MLB The Show 18 stream notes
The Fantasy Baseball Black Book 2018

Direct download: Press_Row_Podcast_Episode_260.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:54pm EDT

Over 12 years have passed since the release of Madden NFL 06 but the mere mention of the title still conjures up emotions from sports gaming fans. From an industry standpoint it also could be cited as being a major contributor to a turning point around that time in consumer distrust with not just what publishers would say about games before they released, but also what they showed. 

Former lead designer for the Madden NFL series Ian Cummings joins Bryan Wiedey and Rich Grisham to discuss the events surrounding development of that game. Thanks to a piece from Glixel which included interviews with several parties involved in development we've learned a lot about the behind-the-scenes trials and tribulations and here Ian provides additional perspective and his first-person account of everything that took place.

Also in this episode T.J. Lauerman goes through the first reveals for MLB The Show 18 which includes a focus on the improvements made to gameplay and the addition of new legends for Franchise and Diamond Dynasty. 

On the show this week:
Bryan Wiedey, Pastapadre/Sporting News/Hit the Pass (@pastapadre)
Rich Grisham, OOTP Developments/Hit the Pass (@richgrisham)
Ian Cummings, Third Time Games (@iantcummings)
T.J. Lauerman, ThatSportsGamer (@thatsportsgamer)

Direct download: Press_Row_Podcast_Episode_259.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:56pm EDT

Could Microsoft really be looking at buying Electronic Arts? What would it mean if that actually came about? The big rumor this week is discussed in this episode of the Press Row Podcast. Other topics include more thoughts on EA Sports UFC 3, what Madden NFL 18 predicts for Super Bowl 52, and the remarkable numbers being reached by the FIFA franchise.

On the show this week:
Bryan Wiedey, Pastapadre/Sporting News/Hit the Pass (@pastapadre)
Rich Grisham, OOTP Developments/Hit the Pass (@richgrisham)
MillsGamingTV (@millsgamingtv)

Direct download: Press_Row_Podcast_Episode_258.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:45am EDT