Press Row Podcast

There's been a heavy focus with recent episodes of the Press RowPodcast on the two big games that released in March, but nowattention turns to some news relating to titles that are still offin the future and a favorite that has just been updated. The triothis week discuss the first features to have been revealed forNHL 17, how EA Sports is considering adding VirtualReality to the next UFC game and what that might mean forothers out before then, and how a basketball mode is the latestsuccess from Rocket League.

On the show this week:

Bryan Wiedey (@pastapadre), Pastapadre/Sporting News/Hit ThePass
Rich Grisham (@richgrisham), Out of the Park Developments/Hit ThePass
Kat Bailey (@The_Katbot),USgamer

In addition to all the other listening platforms the PressRow Podcast can now also be found on Google Play Music!

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Direct download: Press_Row_Podcast_Episode_173.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:43am EDT